Rebuilding Fan Clutches in your Truck Is Child's Play For Us

We rebuild , We re-engineer , We Innovate….

Come visit us at the US 281 Truck & Trailer Services LLC Truck Shop In Edinburg , Texas and witness professionalism at its peak and workmanship at its best !

Call Gabby at (956) - 783 - 8991 or visit us at

On a cold rainy day driver called to talk to Jorge.  Jorge told him over the phone to install a bolt to on face of fan clutch, so it worked to get home in time to deliver. Two days later, truck comes into our shop.  Fan clutch is removed and replaced from engine. Once fan clutch is removed then we rebuild it. This is removing and replacing all bearings, liner, o rings, and bolt.  This replacement kit offers you a chance to rebuild your existing fan clutch at a cheaper price.

This complete rebuild kit has fan mounting disk, air cartridge, face seal, rings, screws, lubricant, nut, o-rings seals, sheave bearings, and fiction liner.  Installed back on truck, check air system, and ready to get back on the road and make more money. We rebuild at least one fan clutch a week

