Cummins Engine Repair Shop in South Texas!

Cummins Engine Repair Shop in South Texas

Our diesel mechanics can perform all sorts of diesel repairs on diesel engines right from an oil change to an engine swap! We can replace a water pump or carry out a complete engine swap on your truck’s diesel engine. Our diesel mechanics have 25 years of experience fixing diesel engines like CAT, Cummins, Detroit, MaxxForce, Hino, UD, and many more. They can repair any make and model, from an old Cummins Big Cam 2 to the new Cummins ISX diesel engines. Our advanced truck diagnostic software can diagnose issues in almost any truck, be it a Peterbilt, Kenworth, Mack, International, Scania or a Volvo. We repair and overhaul all sorts of Diesel engines like Cummins, Maxxforce, CAT, Sterling, Navistar, Detroit, etc. Experience professionalism at its peak and workmanship at it’s best! For any queries, Call Gabby at 956-783-8991 Visit our website-
