Best truck repair shop for frame extension and commercial truck customization in Edinburg and all of South Texas !!!

Best truck repair shop for frame extension and commercial truck customization in Edinburg and all of South Texas !!!

Best truck repair shop for frame extension and commercial truck customization in Edinburg and all of South Texas !!!

We are the best truck and trailer repair shop for Commercial truck and trailer repair, frame extension and truck customization in Edinburg and all of South Texas.

THE TRUCK FRAME is one of the most important parts of a truck, serving as the backbone that carries the truck load.

Frames are subjected to three different kinds of loads :

• Vertical - "These are loads to the chassis frame from the engine, transmission, fuel tanks, battery boxes, suspensions, bodies, and cargo, as well as cargo."

• Torsional - ''Torsional rigidity is provided by crossmembers, which are also aided by supporting components such as the engine, transmission, and radiator.

• Side - "Side loading is caused by fuel tanks, battery boxes, and auxiliary equipment such as hydraulic oil tanks, wet-lines, and auxiliary axles mounted to the chassis frame."

Some truck owners like to stretch the chassis of their truck just for looks, however many upgrade their truck for a special purpose like hauling certain types of freight such as steel beams, trusses, and poles.

We did a frame extension first, custom paint job next, and then fender addition and light installation at last. 

This truck has been in our shop for a few weeks. Owner working so he was not in a hurry. This beauty is almost ready to hit the road.

See YouTube video -

Need a frame extension or truck customization ?

Call Jorge Lopez at (956)293-9896. Jorge has over 40 years experience extending frames, making custom frame cover, truck conversions, and much more.

For all your truck and trailer repair needs Call us at (956)783-8991

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