Our diesel mechanics fixed a hair-like crack in the bell housing of a Detroit 60 series diesel engine at our diesel engine repair shop in Edinburg South Texas!

Our diesel mechanics fixed a hair-like crack in the bell housing of a Detroit 60 series diesel engine at our diesel engine repair shop in Edinburg South Texas!


At our diesel engine repair shop in Edinburg South Texas, our expert diesel mechanics found this hair-like crack on the bell housing of a Detroit 60 Series engine and replaced it to fix the issue !!! 

We are the best diesel engine repair shop for Detroit Engine Repair.

Detroit Diesel :

Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) is an American diesel engine manufacturer headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, United States.

Detroit Diesel Engine Repair:

The customer came in for an oil leak at our truck repair shop in Edinburg, South Texas. Our expert diesel mechanics discovered an oil leak from the block to the bell housing after a thorough inspection. The transmission, clutch, flywheel and bell housing were all removed.

After a pressure wash and inspection, we discovered a hair-like crack on the bell housing. The next day, we ordered a new bell housing and had this truck running by the afternoon.

Engine oil leaks need to be addressed as soon as possible, if not they can lead to bigger issues.  

We are a premium truck and trailer repair shop in Edinburg Texas with the best diesel mechanics, wheel seals and brakes repair experts, frame extension experts, paint and body works experts and so on.

Experience professionalism at its peak and workmanship at its best!

For all your truck and trailer repair needs call Gabby (956)783-8991 or visit https://www.us281trucktrailerservices.com/services/diesel-mechanic-edinburg-texas.html
